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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

City Siege Sniper

City Siege Sniper
Take on the role of a lone sniper in the City Siege universe and save SNAFU Island from the Baddies.

- Throw stones to distract the Baddies and allow the Civilians to escape before going to town with your heavy weapons for some massive combos
- Take Cover to avoid enemy fire
- Purchase and upgrade 9 different weapons, ranging from Sniper Rifles and Machine Guns to Rocket Launchers, Cluster Bombs and Molotovs
- Call in Air Strikes and Nepalm Strikes
- 25 levels set on various parts of SNAFU Island, beaches, jungles, volcanos, favela etc.
- Take all your weapons in to each level, you decide how to take out the Baddies
- Maximum Destruction, as you would expect from a City Siege game

City Siege Sniper takes City Siege and combines it with Sieger, a bit of Ghost Recon Future Soldier and throws in a few puzzle elements as well.

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